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Stars of Snowcology

The Stars of Snowcology


The eldest of the 3.

She's a pure breed Japanese Spitz, born on the 10th August 2012, and we brought her home in December 2012.

She has a very sweet temperament and sticks to me like a super glue!

She's a really smart girl who knows exactly what to do during the photoshoot and what is her best angle. The most patient out of the three, she will sit and wait behind the dish until I get the perfect shot.

Her favorite food is Salmon and Greenies!

Her head tilts when she hears "Who wants to go for a WALK?"


Coco was born on 23 October 2012 and we adopted her in March 2013 as we were searching for a companion for Snowy.

Initially, we couldn't make out how she would look like when she grows up as she was a cross between a chihuahua and a yorkshire terrier. Seems that she inherited the traits of both!

Totally mischievous, and she is very eager to please when treats are given. She is always trying to steal a lick from the dishes, but often caught by the Missus.

Her signature head tilt and giving you puppy eyes is definitely her forte in trying to win a treat from you.


Snowy and Coco are the pioneers of Snowcology, and we decided to recruit Codi after she passed her Snowcology interview!

She's a fluffy ragamuffin, born on 24 August 2015 and joined Snowcology in Oct 2015. Naughty, very cheeky and I have to depend on her mood at every photoshoot. She could be sitting pretty and showing off her tiny white paws, or she could totally be just lying down sideways, refusing to budge! She is willing to offer you her paw and do High Five! when you have a freeze dried chicken liver treat ready for her. Who says cat can't be trained? You just need that bit of patience!

It's amazing sometimes how Snowy and Coco welcomed Codi readily and Codi, being a little tiger, has no qualms playing with them just after a week or two.

Coco and Codi chase each other every night before bedtime, and big sister, Snowy will groom Codi before they go to bed together after a tiring photoshoot. :)


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